Mr Oaken's adventures

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Articles avec #mission: the hollow globe catégorie

Heading to Dundee

Publié le 8 Janvier 2014 par Mr Oaken dans My mission, Mission: The hollow globe, Dundee

December, the 17th, 3h21

"Where am I? Oh Gasgow. Then it was a dream, when I saw her, it wasn't true... I miss her since we are separated. Why did they do that? What have we done so harmful so that they needed to abduct us?! We just had 20 minutes together when those monsters came. I would have been happy to die after these 20 minutes together, but now I know she is not in a good position and she needs my help. I have to find her."


I tried to sleep all the remaining of the night, but impossible. These dreams are ubiquitous, I couldn't get rid of it unless I find her. And for this, I have to to get my powers back. Even if I still have some, I have to go to find a source of magic. I have to go to Dundee and find the hollow globe.

Heading to DundeeHeading to Dundee
Heading to Dundee
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