Mr Oaken's adventures

Follow the daily adventures of a lost explorer

Articles avec #mission: the hollow globe catégorie

Engraving my powers

Publié le 14 Février 2014 par Mr Oaken dans St Andrews, Mission: The hollow globe

Engraving my powers

Here I am, along the sea. It is just in front of me. It's been a "day" that I'm running after the sun to arrive before it sets over St Andrews beach. A "day", because when you travel around 12 hours forward in time, your body thinks it is 12 days and is over-tired. I run towards the sea.

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Publié le 12 Février 2014 par Mr Oaken dans St Andrews, Mission: The hollow globe

I am still running again the clock and I see that the sky is getting darker and darker. So I keep running through the university of St Andrews, I must arrive before the night is fully here. I must engrave my powers. I didn't travel through time and space for nothing. I didn't come here for nothing.

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The University of St Andrews

Publié le 10 Février 2014 par Mr Oaken dans St Andrews, Mission: The hollow globe

The University of St Andrews

Even if I am exhausted by my capture and release thanks to Merry Fisher, I am on my way to the beach of St Andrews, and I come across the University of Saint Andrews. In this place, there is so much knowledge that when you enter, you feel more intelligent!


As I am here, I think that I can kill two birds with one stone and I am walking towards this door, I hope to get help from some wise people who could assure me that my thoughts are correct.

So I open the first door and enter in what seems to be... magical? I don't really know, but the authenticity of the place is simply stunning. Although the place seems to be full of knowledge, there is simply... nothing here.

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The sea

Publié le 7 Février 2014 par Mr Oaken dans Dundee, Mission: The hollow globe

I am advancing on this pier lost in the middle of the waves and as I get closer toits end, the weather begins to change. The sky is darkening and I feel uncomfortable. It isn't the good place to engrave my powers.


Two hours remaining. For my powers. For her.

The sea
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The capture

Publié le 3 Février 2014 par Mr Oaken dans St Andrews, Mission: The hollow globe

The capture

So here I am, on my way to the sea, hoping to be able to engrave my new powers so that mother nature knows that now, I am back on my feet. The downhill slope is steep and my tiredness is showing up, but I go on to my target: the end of this pier where I'll be able to finally rest after achieving my goal.

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