Mr Oaken's adventures

Follow the daily adventures of a lost explorer

Solving the problem

Publié le 26 Mars 2014 par Mr Oaken in Mission: The Enlightenment Artifact, Inverness shire

I'm on this giant wheel which is spinning towards my death, and I don't even know what happenned after my black hole, but certainly somebody took advantage of it. The fact is that now, I am stuck on this wheel and I can't move.

"Think think think..."

No solution and a see the gears slowly closing on me... damn I won't finish this way, there must be a solution. I look everywhere... nothing, nobody, only the sun, high in the sky, and me down on the wheel.  My situation is desperate, I feel my blood pressure rising, some natural reaction of a body facing its imminent death I guess.

Here we are, I feel the first gear tooth touching my hat and my feet. I feel my heart beating as it never beat and suddenly, and even if the gear tooth doesn't hurt me yet, I pass out.

Solving the problem

When I wake up, I expect the gear tooth to start to hurt my face and I'm so afraid that I can't open my eyes. It's only when I finally open them that I discovered that I just teleported. Again. I am alive!


Solving the problem
Solving the problem

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